We target niches.
We have experience engaging diverse food niches, including vegetarian, allergen-aware, gluten-free, health-conscious, nutrition hackers, and more. And with our SURVEYSAYS and GEORANKING Blueprints, we can talk about these niches in a way that makes it newsworthy: through numbers. By ranking flavors for cities and states or sharing how tastes differ by generation or sex, we tell a story that is compelling to journalists and consumers alike.
We leverage culture.
Food is a pervasive part of our lives and it's relevant to occasions and events, from big ones like Thanksgiving to smaller ones like National Waffle Day, National Hot Dog Day, or National Chocolate Day. We utilize the cultural calendar to relate to our audience — and drive action — today.
We integrate disciplines.
If a picture is worth a 1000 words, it's worth a million when you're communicating about food. Whether we are making a video, doing PR, or driving social engagement, our in-house team creates mouth-watering and stage-setting B-roll. It not only activates the taste buds; the footage also makes news producers more likely to feature our products.