Leading Detroit Reputation Management Agency
A lot of big company names got their start in Detroit. But sometimes the biggest names are most vulnerable to crisis.
As a PR Firm, PR Hacker knows how stories spread—and how to stop them in their tracks. We've helped companies of every size manage, minimize, and resolve their crises. Simply put, we're the best in the business at handling your worst nightmare.
Our reputation management philosophy
A. We react fast
News travels fast—bad news even faster. PR Hacker is the fastest firm in the business: responding to negative brand mentions in real time. But unlike other firms, we're proactive as well as reactive. We flag problematic elements in your messaging before they cause issues.
B. We build alliances
We also understand that when critics are loud, your friends need to be even louder. That's why we source key allies—folks whose voices matter in your space, and will be willing to leap to your defense in the event of a messy public debate.
C. We think locally
Finally, we geo-target our messaging. News may be broadcasted nationally, but it spreads locally—and the same headline can take two different forms in Cleveland vs. Detroit. We counteract bad press not just at a national scale, but also on a city by city, and even town by town basis, working with local influencers and journalists to tell your side of the story.
Our Detroit location
You can find us a skip and a hop from the Q line, right off of Campus Martius Park. So if you’re looking for a national CSR marketing agency with a local presence to help you with your cause marketing needs, look no further than PR Hacker Detroit.
Let us handle it