Detroit video production company
Multimedia can no longer be an afterthought—more and more brands are turning to video as their first port of call when trying to tell a story. Because while text posts engage dedicated readers, videos go viral. Luckily, PR Hacker Detroit's film production company has turned video virality from a fluke into a science—grabbing the viewer's attention, telling them a compelling story, and laddering emotion into concrete action.
Detroit video production philosophy
Other agencies waste your time and money producing videos that look good, but reach nobody. Our process is more scientific. We start by researching the video landscape, determining the formulas that are already driving likes and shares. Then we reverse engineer the effect, and figure out how to personalize that formula for your brand—guaranteeing bang for your multimedia marketing buck.
Of course, we also understand that message has to match medium. A video that goes viral on Youtube would flop on Facebook, and vice versa. Our social media marketing team works hard to make sure every video post we put online is optimized for the feeds its seen in. Then we measure the results, and continue to optimize our campaigns as more data comes in.
Finally, we understand the black-box of video SEO. Youtube is the world's second largest search engine, behind Google, with a search algorithm every bit as complex. We optimize your video's meta-data, format, and presentation to ensure all our hard work shows up in search even months and years down the line.
Detroit video production process
Before hitting record, we work with your top team to determine what makes your company unique—defining your brand strategy. Then, and only then, do we create a story around your company—which we know will resonate with viewers.
How do we know? Because we've determined a set of video blueprints, optimized towards triggering different audience emotions, and driving different actions: whether those be shares, donations, or purchases. Our videos tug at the heartstrings—evoking empathy, laughter, optimism, and awe.
Detroit city center location
Our Detroit office is located right in downtown Detroit, a short walk from the Q line, and near enough to greenspace to hear the birds chirping. Our surroundings keep us inspired to create great video for our clients every day. So if you’re looking for a national video production agency with a local presence, look no further than PR Hacker Detroit.